Driving the Future of Teaching & Learning through Digitization


After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that the Learn on the Go Caribbean Course Creators Summit scheduled for August 18, 2022 has been postponed due to unforeseen challenges beyond our control.
We apologize for the inconvenience that might result from this change. We will get in touch with you at the soonest possible time to communicate a new date.
Thank you for your support and understanding at this time. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.


TARGET AUDIENCE Who Should Attend the event?

Digital Learning is the Future! It’s time to take your career to the next level.

Course Creators

Course Creators

Are you looking to upskill and improve your online course experience?

Training Managers

Training Managers

Are you looking to host your own online courses?

Instructional Designers

Instructional Designers

Are you seeking to learn best practices in your field?



Are you looking to earn an income online by monetizing your content?

LISTEN TO THE Event Speakers


Tim Slade

eLearning Designer

Kalilah Reynolds

Journalist/ Entrepreneur

Rochelle Cameron


Nichole Crawford-Thompson

Co-founder of Learn on the Go Caribbean

Trevoir Williams

Software Engineer & Content Creator

Gennette Clacken

Instructional Designer

Sheryl Anderson

Managing Director, Quality Systems Solutions & Initiatives (QSSI)

Kenia Mathis

Cofounder/CEO ListenMi Animation Studio

Kyle Chin

Director & Cinematographer

Donovon Jones

Workforce Development Consultant

Tina Brown

Instructional Designer


A Virtual Conference for Digital Learning Experts

The Caribbean Course Creators Summit is the region’s first virtual conference established for digital learning experts to share their knowledge and expertise towards designing, building, and launching online courses, and online learning ecosystems; while creating an opportunity for educational and professional stakeholders to exchange ideas for some of the regions pressing challenges.


The Learn on the Go Caribbean Course Creators Summit is conceptualized and organized by Niritech Digital Services Limited, a Software Consultancy firm based in Jamaica. The company has raised over USD $50,000 in Grant Funding from the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) and the Caribbean Export Development Agency in partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the European Union (EU); to commercialize the company’s new Software as a Service (SaaS) product, Learn on the Go Caribbean. The company aims to change lives through technology by developing innovative and efficient software products that solve some of the most challenging real-world problems.

SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

8:00 - 8:30 AM

Opening Session

8.30 AM - 9.15 AM Main Stage

Presentation: How to Develop the Right Mindset to Reimagine Learning

In a world facing a learning crisis, digital learning should be an essential service. A new future of learning is emerging—one that celebrates the wonder, creativity, and endless imagination.


Rochelle Cameron

9:15 AM - 10:00 PM Main Stage

Partner Panel Discussion: The Future of Learning

Future educators will have to face the fact that students will need (and want) to learn in a flexible, personalized format — for some, this may mean having a more technology-focused classroom.

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Main Stage

Presentation: The Benefits of Passive Income through Online Learning

Creating and selling online courses is one of the best ways to generate passive income.


Kalilah Reynolds

10.30 AM - 11.30 AM Main Stage

Fire Side Chat: Learn Earn Impact - How Digital Course Content Changed My Life and Business.

Selling online courses is a fantastic way to monetize your knowledge. It allows you to be flexible, create real value in the world, and build a business you are passionate about.


Trevoir Williams


Sheryl Anderson

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Main Stage

Entertainment & Giveaways

12:00 PM -1:00 PM Main Stage

Presentation: Why Most Elearning Fails: How to Design Elearning that delivers results

In this session, you will explore many of the reasons why most eLearning fails and the components that contribute to bad eLearning design. You will also explore how bad eLearning design can negatively affect the learning experience. Finally, this session will walk you through several practical methods you can immediately apply to fix your bad eLearning courses.


Tim Slade

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Breakout Room

Breakout Session 1

CONTENT CREATOR TRACK: Microlearning: Bite-Sized Learning that Delivers Big Results

by Nichole Crawford-Thompson

Microlearning environments are designed using digestible content to to allow information to move to long-term memory. The goal is not just to engage students in small micro-learning activities, but to also help them to eventually retain information.




INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER TRACK: Planning and Implementing an Engaging Curriculum

by Donovon Jones

Students and their learning needs are at the centre of effective curriculum planning and assessment. This principle enables teachers to devise experiences to develop lifelong learners and responsible citizens. 


Nichole Crawford-Thompson


Donovon Jones

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Breakout Room

Breakout Session 2

CONTENT CREATOR TRACK: Making Videos with Your Phone like a Pro

By Kyle Chin

With a little practice and access to a few key tips, even you - yes, you - can start recording great footage, vlogging, or even recording a course using just your smartphone.




INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER TRACK - Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom 

By Tina Brown

As online education becomes the new normal, it is even more important to implement this assessment practice to create an engaging and fruitful learning experience.



Kyle Chin


Tina Brown

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Breakout Room

Breakout Session 3

Engage, Excite, and Empower Through Animation

By Kenia Mathis

The possibilities for animation are endless. Quickly becoming one of the most popular trends in learning and development, animation has become a powerful tool in the eLearning industry.




Designing Effective Training Programmes

By Gennette Clacken

If you're thinking of designing a new employee training program, there are a few foundational steps you can take to ensure your program effectively addresses organizational needs and goals.


Kenia Mathis


Gennette Clacken

PRICING PLANS Get your Ticket




Per person

Offer ends August 17, 2022





Per person

Ends August 17, 2022

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Per person

For groups of 10 or more

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Summit Tickets

Special Giveaways

Don't miss out on the prizes and surprises! Giveaways will include 5 copies of Tim Slade's 'The  e Learning Designer's Handbook' and much more.

HURRY UP! Book your Seat