
Kyle Chin

Director & Cinematographer

Kyle Chin is a Jamaican Director and Cinematographer, who has been working in the film
industry since 2007. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy from
the University of West Indies (2005) before graduating with honors from the Los Angles Film
School (2009).  He formed AfroAsian
Productions to have a vehicle through which to tell visual stories with resonance.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Breakout Room

Thursday AUG 18 2022

Breakout Session 2

CONTENT CREATOR TRACK: Making Videos with Your Phone like a Pro

By Kyle Chin

With a little practice and access to a few key tips, even you - yes, you - can start recording great footage, vlogging, or even recording a course using just your smartphone.




INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER TRACK - Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom 

By Tina Brown

As online education becomes the new normal, it is even more important to implement this assessment practice to create an engaging and fruitful learning experience.